What is Invisalign®?
Invisalign® is an alternative orthodontic system. Instead of using bands cemented to the teeth with wires strung through them, Invisalign® uses clear aligners that the user wears for 20-22 hours per day, but can removed for eating and cleaning his or her teeth.
Traditional braces create movement by adjusting the pull of the wires and using various rubber bands. This leads to a fair degree of soreness every month for a few days after the wires are tightened. Invisalign® instead uses aligner trays that the patient wears for two weeks. Each series of upper and lower aligners gently move the teeth closer and closer to the end position. After wearing a set of aligners for two weeks, the pair is discarded and replaced by the next pair. This process continues until the teeth are aligned and in position.
The advantages are clear, excuse the pun.
1- Invisalign® moves the patient’s teeth without anyone knowing. This is because the aligners are made of clear plastic and are virtually invisible when on the teeth. Even a person talking to you in close proximity can’t see the aligners on your teeth. Contrast this to the glaring metal on display with traditional braces.
2- Invisalign® is comfortable. Metal bands rub on your cheeks and lips. Wires poke your tongue and cheeks. Monthly “adjustments” usually call for some ibuprofen afterwards to deal with the serious aching. If you play an instrument or sports, metal bands can be a serious pain.
3- Keeping your teeth clean with braces is quite difficult. Removing food stuck on the bands and from under wires requires diligence. To floss, you need a threader. With Invisalign®, you simply remove the trays and brush and floss your teeth normally.
4- Braces limit some foods you can eat. No corn on the cob. No really sticky or chewy foods. With Invisalign®, you simply take out the tray and eat!
Wearing Your Invisalign® Aligners
The goal is to wear your Invisalign® aligners for at least 20-22 hours every day. Once they are on your teeth, you’ll forget they are there anyway. You remove them to eat or, say, if you play trumpet in band. And you remove them when cleaning your teeth.
Each Invisalign® aligner is designed to exert a certain amount of pressure on certain teeth, pushing the teeth in a certain direction. When this pair of aligners has done its job moving your teeth, the next aligners will exert slightly different pressure to continue moving the teeth toward their final position.
To accomplish the movement goals, it’s important to wear your Invisalign® aligners for at least 20-22 hours every day without fail.